Philodendron Scandens Aureu - Plant

Plant Specifications

Plant Height 5 inch (13 cm)
Plant Spread 4 inch (10 cm)
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Heartleaf philodendron,Aureum philodendron, Vilevine
Maximum Reachable Height Up to 20 feet
Flower Colour Greenish-white
Bloom Time Any time of the year but mainly in summer (Rarely flowers indoor)
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting And Care

  • Place in bright indirect light. Avoid full sun.
  • Water regularly during the growing season, but reduce watering in fall to late winter.
  • Pinch trailing stems to promote bushier growth.

    Philodendron Scandens Aureu Care

    The Heartleaf Philodendron is an evergreen vine that thrives in partial shade at moderate temperatures. In tropical regions it can survive outside, however, in most place, it is used strictly as a houseplant. The soil surrounding the Philodendron scandens must be kept moist but not soggy. Feed every month from during spring and summer especially when new leaves are growing.

    Sunlight Bright filtered or indirect light
    Watering Moderate
    Soil Sandy soil that drains quickly. Use a soil-based potting mix.
    Temperature 20-30 degrees C
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer.

    Philodendron Scandens Aureu Special Feature


    Philodendron Scandens Aureu Uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used as an ornamental plant
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About Philodendron Scandens Aureu

Philodendron Scandens Aureum is the synonym of Philodendron hederaceum. Indoors are more often seen in the 4 feet tall range. Features bright, glossy, heart-shaped, pale yellow to yellow leaves that may have a bronze tinge on emerging.

Twining stems of this plant will either trail from a pot or climb up a column if given support. Greenish-white arum family flowers infrequently appear on mature indoor plants.

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